Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It's been so long since I've posted here, could barely remember how to log in :)

Here is the deal, I have a new studio space, and am working on a few new projects. The first project that I'm working on is a new way to string my stuff. I am totally excited!!! I love making pendants, hate stringing them. I took the class online here, . This site is totally awesome.

Next I just signed up with Stephanie Lee's online class Pipe Dreams, you can get info on her blog site I love her art, her writings and her teaching style.

And lastly I am working on a plan to make a piece for the Chicago Artists Month 2012, I'll be in the show at Bridgeport Art Center . Working on feasibility, but it will be related to the hand sewing I've been learning how to do from this site:

So, no pictures yet, but if your interested in keeping up with my endevours I also post images of my work on Facebook so like my page and you can keep up with my finished pieces!


Monday, January 9, 2012

It's Been A Long Time

Since I last wrote, I have moved studios spaces, gotten better at making bezels and started painting again. Here are some of the wall hangings I have made.

There are more, I just have to take pictures of them. Time to finally get a camera.

Happy New Year!!